TrueHoop is a blog part of the ESPN network. Everyday there is a collection of articles gather usually by Kevin Arnovitz.
Today a couple notes caught my eye.
-He links to which breaks down a set involving misdirection screening action into backscreen lob.
-I though Flip Saunders quote that "defensively, the team always takes the personality of their players," was interesting (from
-He links to the Blog, where they measured which players have played for the best offenses over the course of their careers
-Jeremy Wagner of Roundball Mining Company (link to made an interesting comment on Carmelo Anthony: "There are few players who can score in as many was as Carmelo can, yet instead of exploiting the advantages the team earns due to the attention he receives from the opposition Melo frequently forces his way into the teeth of the defense in an attempt to prove he can do it. Carmelo has never made that leap from I can do it, to we can do it and as a result makes things more difficult on himself than it needs to be which leads directly to the surprising void between his talent and his lack of efficiency."